LMMA toolkit (English)

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LMMA toolkit EN

Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) are areas of ocean managed by coastal communities to help protect fisheries and safeguard marine biodiversity. LMMAs encompass diverse approaches to management and governance, and their sizes and contexts vary wildly, but all share the common theme of placing local communities at the heart of management.
This toolkit, available in both English and French, provides practical guidance in setting up and maintaining Locally Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs). The Resource Kit is aimed primarily at technical partners that assist communities with implementation, but is also designed to be accessible by community members trained in LMMA implementation. With a focus on Madagascar, practical experience and case studies from the field are used to present user-friendly ‘How to’ guidance at each stage of LMMA creation.

Publishing organisation: Blue Ventures
Resource size: 5 + MB
Jumlah halaman: 115

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